Product Information
Specific product detail - weights, measurements, announcements etc.
- Moving a David or Spring loom
- Difference between the original Jane and new Jane 8 shaft expandable
- Wooden Warp sticks
- Metric reed conversion to inches
- Springs from my brake keep falling off - Spring 2 / David 3
- David 3 breast beam height
- Megado - Changing the texsolv of the Knife Bar
- Adjusting Shaft and Lam heights Spring 2 / Spring 1 / Hollandia / Delta
- Spring / Delta - How many tie up cords come with my loom?
- David 3 / Spring 2 - tie up cords get caught on each other
- David 3 - Shaft system described
- Spring 2 Leg System
- Erica relevant measurements and information
- Jane 8 relevant measurements and information
- Jane loom reed dimensions
- jane Floorstand - Parts List - assembly instructions
- Jane - loom floorstand bolt
- Spring 2 relevant measurements and information
- Spring 2 improvements with explanations
- Spring 1 Relevant measurement and information
- Spring loom cord lengths (Original Spring 1980's to 2020)
- David-1 - 4 shaft conversion kit s to a 4-shaft
- Parallel Countermarche system - Spring / Delta / Hollandia
- Floating Breast beam
- Delta relevant measurements and information
- Octado breast beam height
- Megado Octado Magic Dobby - dobby magnet
- Megado Warranty
- Spring / David / Jane bench
- Raddle covers