The basic difference is that the Dobby 2 is built on 2015 technology, has an onboard computer housing internal Louet proprietary software that allows you to drive the loom independant of 3rd party software.
Dobby 1 is built on 1995 technology and can only be operated through 3rd party software.
Both dobby’s have internal serial communication and require USB to serial conversion - built internally in models from approx 2010 onward, but the drivers needed to communicate between the dobby and Mac/Windows OS is becoming an increasing issue for MAC’s and there is no known solution. While this can be frustrating, Louet has found that trying to keep up with Apple or Windows technology and updates to OS’s can become impossible for our small company.
Louet’s solution has been the invention of our proprietary software to drive the loom. In this way, you can always design on your weaving software, save a liftplan formated WIF file on a USB stick, and load the file into the Dobby 2 by plugging the USB stick into the Dobby 2. From here you can load the pattern and weave on your Dobby 2.
There are a few videos showing the Dobby 2 software on our You Tube channel - Louetworldwide.
I have added a few additional links to help with information.
Megado Dobby 2 web interface user manual version 2.2
Megado, Octado, Magic - problem with MAC OS 11 /12 /13 support FTDI USB to SERIAL driver
I hope this helps.
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