Height of the shaft bars
Shaft height should be adjusted so that with blocked shafts the warp threads run through the center of the heddle. You can check this while there is a warp on the loom.
Height of shafts bars
Measured from the floor, the top of the top shaft bar is 109 cm (43 "), the top of the bottom shaft bar is 80 cm (31.5”) from the floor.
You can adjust the shaft height by turning the white nylon knurled nuts at the ends of the shaft bars. If the adjustment is greater than 10 mm, you can also put the pin of the end a hole higher or lower in the texsolv cord. Always make sure that the height is set equally on the left and right (so the shaft is level - you can check with an actual level). Adjust the front and rear shafts correctly, and then adjust the height of the middle shafts to match.
Height of the lams
There is approximately ...cm between the bottom shaft bar and the top lam.
The lams must be adjusted so that the treadles resthorizontally. Check this again while the shafts are blocked with the blocking pin. The height difference between the shafts is equal to the length difference of the cords 19 cm (7.5 ")
Height of lams measured from the floor
Top of the bottom lam 53.5 cm (21 ")
Top of the upper lam 71.5 cm (28 1/4 ")
When the treadle tie-up cords are tied, the ends of the long and short cords are level. As a result, the pedal will hang horizontally when connected to the treadle.
Cord length treadle tie-up cord measurements (complete eyes)
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