Assembly Instructions
- Megado Dobby 1 vs Dobby 2
- Finishing your Erica loom
- Jane 16 assembly instructions
- Delta - Assembly instructions
- David III / David 3 - assembly instructions
- David 3 - Adjusting beater height
- David 3 - Adjusting shaft heights
- Lisa Loom Instructions
- Erica loom weaving and assembly instructions
- Klik loom instructions
- Jane 8 assembly instructions
- David-1 and David-2 loom brake assembly instructions
- David-1 en David-2 sliding beater kit assembly instructions
- Sectional Warping instructions
- Spring I assembly manual
- Adding Spring-1 harnesses - four shaft extension instructions
- Spring 2 Instruction manual
- Delta Loom Instructions
- Magic Dobby instruction manual
- Magic Dobby Interface instructions
- Magic Dobby 2nd warpbeam
- Octado Assembly Manual
- Octado Interface Instructions - June 2014
- Octado original Electronic Dobby Instructions
- Octado, Megado, Delta Sectional warping instructions
- Megado manuals (instructions)
- Megado Dobby 2 web interface user manual version 2.2
- Megado Dobby2 Software 2.2 manual
- Megado / Octado / Delta - Height Extenders Treadle
- W30 Instructions